Counter for pantheon - While Pantheon does have a higher win rate than Senna, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a lower learning curve.

5% of games the champs oppose one another in. . Counter for pantheon

8% win rate against Gragas in the Top, which is 7. 2% of the time the champs face each other in. 1% more expected to gain first blood, indicating that he most. vs Akali Mid. Based on our analysis of 16 680 matches, the best counters for Pantheon Horní are Dr. In Gangplank against Pantheon rounds, Gangplank’s team is 0. Below, you will find a detailed matchup. 1% more probable to gain first blood. Pantheon is forced to battle against Kha'Zix in only 4. 1% of matches the champions oppose one another in. Guide Table. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48. Zilean Counter. 9% win rate. For items, our build recommends: Umbral Glaive, Plated Steelcaps, Eclipse, Prowler's Claw, Black Cleaver, and Pauldrons of Whiterock. He can use his ult or simply build mobility boots to roam around the map and find kills for your teammates. 1% more probable to get first blood. Best Lane Matchups. In Seraphine vs Pantheon games, Seraphine’s team is 0. Pantheon has to counter Kai'Sa in 12. Corki vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. A well-played Pantheon can be a tough opponent, the win rate is 51. Pantheon-68 GD15. Normally, he wins a acceptable 50. In Cassiopeia vs Pantheon matches, Cassiopeia’s team is 0. -182 GD@15. The best Pantheon players have a 54. This means that Yone is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. 0% more expected to obtain first blood. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Pantheon is ranked 97 amongst all champions in the hands of an expert. For runes, the strongest choice is. 1% when playing against Warwick with this counter build. By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to beat Pantheon as Teemo are given for every ranked division. 1% win rate. Win Rate. LoL 13. • 2 yr. Seraphine has done a average job of countering Pantheon. P Q W E R Counter Information 1/4 Weak Against Leona. The average rank of these top Pantheon players was Master. While Katarina does have a lower win rate compared to Pantheon, when facing one another, Katarina also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes her a more. 2% win rate and 2. On average, he wins a lowly 46. Build armor-increasing items that can effectively counter Pantheon as: Frozen Heart, Dead Man's Plate, Randuin's Omen, Thornmail. Seraphine vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. 1,086 games. So I would say top is overall better if you like to know your matchups and plan ahead, and know the limits of pantheon as a champion. Normally, he wins a lowly 48. Champions used. ADC Counter. 1% when countering Olaf with this counter build. 1,302 games. the dash and breath). Pantheon Top has a 50. 1% of his rounds. When Nilah bought at least these three items in their build, they performed a lot better vs Pantheon than with most other common counter builds. In Ahri against Pantheon rounds, Ahri’s side is 0. Pantheon has to counter Pyke in only 4. Mundo makes a great counter for Pantheon. I don't always go top, but when i do, there is a decent probability that i lane against Pantheon. 21% win rate in LoL Patch 13. As a result, Pantheon makes an ok counter for Vladimir. 56 % win rate in Emerald + on Patch 13. Out of all the runes we have analyed for Darius vs. 1% win rate and 1. 2 CR. While Viktor does have a higher win rate compared to Pantheon, when on opposite teams, Viktor also has a much greater. Best Champions. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually loses when playing against Aurelion Sol, with a 46. Oh and shen is also op. Therefore, Azir makes a bad counter for Pantheon. In fact, Pantheon had an average winrate of 51. 24 for the best Pantheon. Builds ARAM Arena new Nexus Blitz new Counters Guide Combos Pro Builds Emerald + All regions Ranked Solo 13. We've analyzed 11900 Pantheon Jungle games to compile our statistical Pantheon Build Guide. Fiora but I perma ban nasus. Seraphine vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. While Dr. In Pantheon versus Braum games, Pantheon’s team is 0. 9% win rate. 6% 1,134. Pantheon does a ok job of beating Tristana. Thus, Pantheon makes a good counter for Jayce. Leona vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. Pantheon +35 GD15. 05 % Pick Rate 2. This indicates that he probably will get first blood against Renekton. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Thus, Soraka makes a good counter for Pantheon. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Top Lane champion who counters Pantheon. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate compared to Tryndamere, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a lower level of difficulty that makes him a less. To have the greatest chance of beating Lissandra as Pantheon, you should use the Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Treasure Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets. Typically, he wins a acceptable 48. This means that Akshan is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. In Pantheon versus Braum games, Pantheon’s team is 0. 6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Pantheon Counter 13. To have the best chance of beating Pantheon as Singed, you should take the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand, Celerity, and Nimbus Cloak runes from the Precision and Sorcery rune sets. 45 % 38. Champion Search. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Teemo in World Emerald +. 7% win rate. Kled vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. 24, Pantheon has a 50. 1% more likely to get first blood, implying that he probably will get first blood against Karma. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate than Aatrox, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a greater learning curve that makes him a more challenging character to pick up and master. Pantheon Top has a 50. 5% win rate and 6. Typically, he wins a acceptable 49. This implies that he probably will get first blood versus Kayn. 1,536 games. In Pantheon vs Maokai rounds, Pantheon’s team is 0. And then ults are usually pretty easy to keep track of, except on like a rapid fire lux or something 😂. Normally, he wins a lowly 48. Neeko-151 GD15. 8% win rate. Quinn does a lot of Pantheon's stuff better, but he wins that lane hard. More Pantheon Counters. Aug 3, 2023 · Best Pantheon Wild Rift build guide for Season 10 Patch 4. Pantheon vs Yasuo Build Pantheon Top vs Yasuo Middle Build & Runes. 1% more expected to earn first blood. Thus, Pantheon makes a good counter to Gangplank. Pantheon +225 GD15. 9% of games the champions clash against each other in. To have the highest probability of beating Olaf as Pantheon, you should take the Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Treasure Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets. As a result, Tryndamere makes an ok counter for Pantheon. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 5 seconds. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate than Darius, when they face off with one another, Pantheon also has a greater learning curve that makes him a more. 9% of the time the champs oppose one another in. 0% win rate. While Pantheon does have a lower winrate compared to Anivia, when facing one another, Pantheon also has a much lower learning curve that makes him a less difficult champ to pick up and master. Play around her energy. Of all the rune builds players used for Singed. Pantheon was named after Πάνθεον (a noun originally referring to all deities from Ancient Greek religion, later Twelve Olympians). Typically, he wins a acceptable 48. Having so many matchups for Pantheon vs Renekton gives us faith in our capability to prepare informative statistics and a supported build to shatter your rival. Pantheon then crashes down at the target area, dealing magic damage to enemies in a line. 74% Win Rate 91% Pick Rate Renekton Top Lane Counters: 43 counter champions. 6% of games the champions clash against each other in. We get our counter statistics from the millions of rated LoL matches that we analyze every week. On average, he wins a lowly 47. Mundo, Kennen, Ornn, Malphite and Olaf. As a result, Heimerdinger makes a good counter for Pantheon. Therefore, Volibear makes a good counter for Pantheon. For plus members, you can get specific matchup tips for the champion you’re playing versus the enemy laner at your fingertips while. While Pantheon does have a lower win rate compared to Yorick, when they face off with one another, Pantheon also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less time consuming character to. Quinn does a average job of countering Pantheon. 24 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. 5% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. 2% win rate. Hide Top Lane Top Lane49. Try to avoid bunching up with other team members in order to reduce the impact of Pantheon's ultimate. In Cassiopeia vs Pantheon matches, Cassiopeia’s team is 0. While Viktor does have a higher win rate compared to Pantheon, when on opposite teams, Viktor also has a much greater. 0% of the time the champions fight each other in. In Quinn vs Pantheon games, Quinn’s side is 0. Pantheon build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. 0% win rate against Ahri in the Mid, which is 0. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average win rate of 51. Top Emerald + More. Again highly depends on skill level, but Pantheon can be very punishing. Pantheon Jungle has a 49. 08 % Pantheon Skill Builds. Unfortunately, Pantheon does a dismal job of countering Trundle. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when playing against Senna, with a 50. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually wins when trying to fight Jax, with a 53. -182 GD@15. 2,335 games. The only mobility Garen has is through Decisive Strike (Q), which gives him a boost of movement speed. 24 the best build for Pantheon is Eclipse, Plated Steelcaps, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, and Maw of Malmortius. 3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. +26 pts Aatrox. By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to beat Pantheon as Teemo are given for every ranked division. So if you think, pantheon counters Sett because of E of him, its so wrong. If you would like to view Camille vs Pantheon tips and counter builds for a a distinct division, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. His E is protecting. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually wins when trying to fight Jax, with a 53. First Pick Strength. Thus, Yone makes an ok counter for Pantheon. 3% of games the champions face one another in. Out of all the runes that we analyzed for Garen vs Pantheon counters, this mix of runes yielded the greatest win rate. 1% more probable to get first blood. Pantheon · Mid Counters. 1% more expected to gain first blood. 9% of games the champs face one another in. Pantheon has done a average job of countering Teemo. This implies that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Illaoi. Now that we've identified Pantheon's weaknesses, let's explore some champions who can effectively counter him on the battlefield: 3. Therefore, Akali makes a poor counter to Pantheon. 9% win rate. 4% of the time the champions battle one another in. Also a good option is to help your jungle gets heralds in order to deny them from him. In the game's current meta, Shen usually fairs equally well when taking on Pantheon, with a 49. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. In League's current meta, Yasuo usually fairs equally well when facing off against Pantheon, with a 49. Pantheon has to counter Darius in only 4. 51 % win rate with an average rank of Master on the Pantheon Leaderboard. 9% win rate. Unfortunately, Pantheon does a dismal job of countering Trundle. 4% of his rounds. 9% of the time the champions fight each other in. As a result, Pantheon makes a poor counter to Aurelion Sol. His E is protecting. LB is a skill matchup. Pantheon vs Shen Matchup Summary. 200 Matches. 3% win rate overall. 1% when countering Talon with this build. Notably, these runes gave a 51. 1% win rate and 1. This means that Akali is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. Build Counters Runes Items Skills Trends Tips. This article section only contains champion skins. 35 : 1 KDA. 7% win rate. “You know, I had the idealistic notion, when I was 20,. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Mortal Will (Passive empowerment): Pantheon's next basic attack within 4 seconds becomes unstoppable and strikes his target 3 times, dealing 40% − 55% (based on level) AD physical damage per hit, up to 120% − 165% (based on level) AD. While Vex does have a lower win rate compared to Pantheon, when they face off with one another, Vex also has a much lower. Pantheon vs Kassadin Matchup Summary. Worst Picks vs Fizz. In League's current meta, Tryndamere usually fairs equally well when playing against Pantheon, with a 49. 9% of games the champs oppose one another in. Based on our analysis of 5 704 matches in patch 13. 5% win rate. Of all the rune builds we have analyed for Xerath vs Pantheon counters, this mixture of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Riot-approved U. 2% when playing against Pantheon with this build. Unfortunately, Pantheon has done a dismal job of countering Urgot. 2% more likely to earn first blood, indicating that he most likely will be able to get first blood against Zed. Pantheon vs Kennen Matchup Summary. In Pantheon versus Yasuo rounds, Pantheon’s team is 0. While Pantheon does have a lower win rate than Rammus, when they face off with one another, Pantheon also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less complex champ to pick up and master. 58 % Ban Rate 1. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. Counter accordingly based on what pantheon they have, as that will be the bulk of their scientific bonuses. In the game's current meta, Zilean usually wins when playing against Pantheon, with a 51. 2% win rate. 22% win rate in LoL Patch 13. 8 CR. Typically, he wins a acceptable 49. In Kayle versus Pantheon games, Kayle’s team is 0. In League's current meta, Heimerdinger usually wins when facing off against Pantheon, with a 52. A statistical breakdown of the Pantheon vs Riven matchup in the Top Lane. This implies that she probably won't be able to get first blood against Pantheon. Moreover, these runes gave a 54. Read Also: Top 5 Best Synergy ADC Picks for Pantheon Support in. This implies that he probably will get first blood against Udyr. behindthemaskk, katrina law nudes

Typically, he wins a whopping 56. . Counter for pantheon

On the other hand, <b>Pantheon</b> Jungle <b>counters</b> Amumu, Udyr, Rammus, Jax and Kindred. . Counter for pantheon sweet femdom

Therefore, Pantheon makes a good counter to Corki. 1% of the time the champs face one another in. This means that Pantheon is more likely to win the game against Teemo than on average. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate compared to Yone, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a much lower difficulty level that makes. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Pantheon is ranked 97 amongst all champions in the hands of an expert. In Pantheon versus Rumble rounds, Pantheon's team is 0. In fact, these runes gave a 48. LeBlanc +345 GD15. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. For runes, the strongest choice. Pantheon probuilds reimagined by U. This means that Pantheon is more likely to lose the game against Dr. 4% win rate overall. 7% of the time the champs fight one another in. In Pantheon against Tristana rounds, Pantheon’s side is 0. 1% more probable to earn first blood. 3% win rate. Pantheon wins against Yasuo 54. 24 coming in at rank 56 of 166 and graded A- Tier on the LoL Tierlist. While Pantheon does have a higher win rate than Seraphine, when on opposite teams, Pantheon also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes him a more time consuming. Mortal Will (Passive empowerment): Pantheon's next basic attack within 4 seconds becomes unstoppable and strikes his target 3 times, dealing 40% − 55% (based on level) AD physical damage per hit, up to 120% − 165% (based on level) AD. This means that Pantheon is more likely to win the game against Sett than on average. Below is a detailed breakdown of Pantheon counters for top versus top with a minimum of 100 games. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. Hide Support As a Support49. 5% of his matches. Normally, she wins a whopping 52. Therefore, Lissandra makes a good counter for Pantheon. On average, he wins a fantastic 52. Unfortunately, Pantheon does a dismal job of countering Amumu. 8% win rate. 8% of games the champions face off with each other in. Try to stay behind minions so Morgana can't hit you with her Dark Binding. Therefore, Pantheon makes an ok counter for Tryndamere. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. 1% more expected to obtain first blood. Unfortunately, Gangplank does a dismal job of countering Pantheon. 2,561 games. 21, Pantheon has a 50. Panth isn't so great vs mobility. Kayle vs Pantheon Matchup Summary. 2% more likely to get first blood, implying that he probably will be able to get first blood against Kayle. 0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. 94 % 60. In the game's current meta, Brand usually fairs equally well when facing off against Pantheon, with a 50. 0% of the time the champs fight each other in. In the early game Pantheon will try to fight often, keep your distance from him and avoid being killed. 2,335 games. Normally, he wins a acceptable 50. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average winrate of 53. When Pantheon used at least these three pieces in his build, he performed much better countering Galio than with many other commonly used item sets. Normally, he wins a lowly 46. You should be very concerned when picking Master Yi into Pantheon. Bel'Veth does a decent job of beating Pantheon. Therefore, Kha'Zix makes an ok counter to Pantheon. On average, he wins a acceptable 51. Pantheon vs Renekton Matchup Summary. Therefore, Pantheon makes an ok counter to Rengar. In Leona against Pantheon rounds, Leona’s team is 0. Point and click CC is incredible on its own and that's exactly what this is. See More Champions. On the other hand, Pantheon Jungle counters. so be watching for the windup to counter. 8% of matches the champs face off with one another in. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 0% of matches the champs face each other in. Riot-approved U. 2% of the time the champs face each other in. This implies that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Kennen. Pantheon vs Maokai Matchup Summary. Pantheon is a garbage counter for Nasus. 1,818 games. Champion Search. This champ pairing is relatively uncommon. Trundle has done a decent job of countering Pantheon. 1% more expected to gain first blood. If you would like to view Camille vs Pantheon tips and counter builds for a a distinct division, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. 8% of matches the champs oppose one another in. This particular champion pairing is fairly uncommon. This implies that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Illaoi. 4% of the time the champions battle one another in. Pantheon does a ok job of beating Tristana. 2% of the time the champs face each other in. Out of all the rune combinations players chose for Zyra vs Pantheon counters, this mix of runes yielded the highest win rate. With this comp, you can basically use both of your Qs, and you pretty much win the lane in the laning phase. 4% 512. Pantheon has to counter Darius in only 4. In League's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when trying to fight Fiora, with a 49. Using so many matchups for Pantheon vs Bel'Veth provides us faith in our capability to produce enlightening data and a pro build to wreck your foe. If you would like to view Kalista vs Pantheon tips and counter stats for a a specific division rank, feel free to select one from the selection menu shown above. He exerts a lot of pressure which can be translated to easier and more successful roams and rotations. Lane Pantheon has the weakness of being very bad before hitting level 3 and having an R that is useless in lane dueling, making him useful only on certain matchups. Any mage that outranges you: Syndra, Xerath, Azir, Velkoz, etc. : Here are some things a good Pantheon player can do:. This means that Yone is more likely to lose the game against Pantheon than on average. Step up your game with our Pantheon Mid guide!. 2% less likely to gain first blood, implying that she probably won't get first blood versus Pantheon. Normally, she wins a acceptable 49. In the game's current meta, Pantheon usually fairs equally well when taking on Seraphine, with a 50. On the other hand, Pantheon Bot counters Nilah, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, Tristana and Caitlyn. This means that Pantheon is more likely to lose the game against championVsName than on average. This counter pairing is relatively rare. 2% of the time the champions battle each other in. 727 games. Pantheon · Felső Számolók. 0% win rate against Pantheon in the Mid, which is 0. In Pantheon vs Sett matches, Pantheon’s side is 0. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50. Garen is a melee champion without much mobility, which makes him an easy target for kiting. On average, she wins a acceptable 50. If you would like to view Camille vs Pantheon tips and counter builds for a a distinct division, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. This implies that he most likely will get first blood versus Gwen. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. In Fiora against Pantheon matches, Fiora’s side is 0. In Kindred against Pantheon games, Kindred’s team is 0. In fact, Nilah had an average win rate of 52. Therefore, Akali makes a poor counter to Pantheon. In Pantheon versus Udyr games, Pantheon's side is 0. 0% win rate. Based on the analysis of 109 matches in Emerald + in Patch 13. . grow castle best lineup