The backrooms wiki - Room 420 is instead numbered as “Room 419 + 1“.

<b>The</b> <b>Backrooms</b> is an Online Co-Op experience with friends, dynamic levels, and proximity voice chat. . The backrooms wiki

The first detail regards a Death Moth's appearance; they seem to bear a striking resemblance to moths belonging to the genus Acherontia. Extremely hostile. The Backroom Colonists, previously known as the Backroom Pioneers and sometimes referred to as the Backroom Explorers, were originally a collection of diverse factions and smaller groups that ultimately united under an elected minister. They are some of the more common hostile entities found in many levels of the Backrooms but are less common. Sanity Danger - Class 0 - No Sanity Risk. Although relatively well-hidden, it is primarily accessed from areas where a certain poster is attached, advertising The Game. This level appears to be as ancient as the Backrooms themselves, having been discovered in 1930 by a wanderer named Ronald M. The Backrooms (Found Footage) The Bacteria (also known as a Lifeform, Lifeform Fellow, Entity, or simply Creature) is a humanoid creature (or possibly a group of creatures) that inhabit the Backrooms, preying on victims that have found themselves in their presence. In addition, the walls are extremely smooth, with very few cuts and scratches. A common sight across a multitude of levels, they are familiar to most anyone remotely acquainted with the Backrooms. It looks like a. If it does not relate to the Backrooms or the Wiki, it belongs in Freewriting. The Backrooms Wiki (Fandom) 俗に言う「Fandom版Backrooms」。自由度の高い創作が成されているが、その分品質の悪い記事も少なくないとされる。 時系列的には後述のWikidot版より先に成立している。 The Backrooms Wiki (Wikidot) 俗に言う「Wikidot版Backrooms」。. "4/4: A Sign of the Times" A. The best way to escape a Smiler is to keep eye contact. The Backrooms. The subreddit r/backrooms currently has over 157,000 members who discuss the space in great detail alongside memes, maps and mockups of different rooms. Level 190 has a daytime and nighttime cycle of both 12 hours, at the end of the 12 hours. They can be identified by their signature reflective eyes and teeth gleaming in the dark. Description: Wranglers are snake-like Entities that use their bodies to distract and confuse their prey in an almost hypnotic-like state. It appears to possess large, sharp claws at the end of both its arms. uh kindly do the following: Cope + Seethe + Mald + Perish + Suffer :). The wiki does not have one consistent canon, the universe being entirely malleable from page to page, so feel free to make entirely world-shattering entities for this list!. The bedroom consists of a dresser, two nightstands, a closet, a bed. Joke entries are held to the same standard of quality as normal entries, in the sense that they actually have to be funny. The tunnels are lined with evenly-spaced doors, the design of each one representing the respective level that it leads to. Although none of the slides are rusty on the outside, for some reason they are on the inside. All the corrupted to emerge and invade the Backrooms. Extreme (can survive a trap) And Shatter Bullet's. Jeśli będziesz nierozważny i przenikniesz przez rzeczywistość w złym miejscu, znajdziesz się w Backrooms. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 后室拜年祭 已经进入最后阶段,目前需要若干 画师 来绘制背景(画过后室场景者最佳),有意者请加879959667群后联系群管理员 卡. Its Wiki Entries span from the creepy to the downright obscure, and there's. The color of the paint seems to vary between levels and. Nevertheless, should a wanderer encounter this level, they will be faced with a large configuration of extensive hallwa y s and rooms. Free content updates with new levels and game modes keep the community rewarded. The best way to escape a Smiler is to keep eye contact. Description: Level 20 appears to be reminiscent of some of the earlier floors in the Backrooms. Level 92 is a sprawling deciduous forest that goes on for miles. Welcome to the Backrooms Tale Hub. He spends most of his time in The Forgotten Throne, watching over his domain. It may be possible to tame a Volpe, as they are essentially the same as foxes, but this has never been attempted. Then, he will disappear from. Entity 10 — more commonly known as the Skin-Stealers — are large, humanoid entities that are commonly known to wear the skin of their victims as a disguise, which makes them rather difficult to identify. If you're not careful and no-clip out of reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly. This Level is a safe zone for any group and no wars will be held here for the safety of Level 6. They use a Level 1 exit near by to transport the materials to Trader's Keep. Although indeed present in this level, an encounter with The Keymaster is unlikely, due to his antisocial tendencies. It consists of three main spaces: 001-1: Site-02, a looping non-euclidean threshold consisting of an office building, following the fundamental laws of physics, used to observe 001-2. Nie ma tam nic prócz starego, wilgotnego dywanu, szaleńczego żółtego koloru, niekończącego się hałasu lamp fluorescencyjnych szumiących głośno i nieprzerwanie oraz sześciuset. Similarly to Level 0, the layout of Level 3 appears to be randomly segmented, shifting and warping in many directions, most of which being illogical in. The Backroom Colonists, previously known as the Backroom Pioneers and sometimes referred to as the Backroom Explorers, were originally a collection of diverse factions and smaller groups that ultimately united under an elected minister. The space one can traverse in the level is dictated purely by the shape created by said chains in each area at a given time, with most spaces being tight, claustrophobic, and occasionally too small for one to properly fit through. It was first released on February 12, 2021, and is still ongoing with updates, aiming to better optimize the game for a better experience. If the target is unaware of the creature, it will attack immediately. Backrooms Wiki 由于技术限制,Fandom后室中文维基在移动端视图上的适配效果不佳。 为保证阅读体验,请下滑到页面底部,选择“查看完整网站”(VIEW FULL SITE)切换到桌面端视图。. It is highly suggested to run away from any wanderer who seems to be repeating the same. Level 6 is an expansive complex of indeterminate size, consisting of metallic walls, concrete floors, and complex systems of pipes. Level 16, often known as " J. Wretches are wanderers who have been deformed by the toll that The Backrooms has taken on them. The bird was never touched. Level -182 is the 182 nd negative level of the Backrooms. Party-creator's Are Purple Partygoer's. Description: Wretches are a humanlike entity, often described as acting undead or zombielike. Level 94 is the 95th Level of The Backrooms. km, is the common setting of Level 11. In addition, the walls are extremely smooth, with very few cuts and. Level 28, known for its only distinguishing landmark, Stormstone Keep, is a level that closely resembles The Frontrooms with a few major differences. This effect—which dissipates upon leaving the. This is the only official Escape The Backrooms wiki. Level 69 is an infinite motel, which accommodates an infinite amount of wanderers and facelings. Though the water surrounding the entrance is barren, wanderers travelling far enough across the surface have discovered islands made. The Backrooms are a series of large, linear levels with specific names and classifications for each level. Luckily this means that they cannot notice you if you are quiet, and Lidar scanners have a built-in feature to track. Level 24 is an infinitely desolate, liminal, dark, alien-like landscape. The first known image of Level 50. This level appears to be as ancient as the Backrooms themselves, having been discovered in 1930 by a wanderer named Ronald M. " - The Backrooms Wiki. A user asks which wiki is the official one for the Backrooms, a fictional concept of a network of subterranean rooms. They are accessed through the Cave by walking into the corner opposite of the stairs (The only one without a rock). We want everyone to have equal opportunity to add their work to the Backrooms, but there is a level of quality that we uphold. You think that you're the only one there, until the monsters arrive. Appropriately, this level is home to some aquatic entities. The Backrooms is an isolated place, residing outside the bounds of time. Assumingly telepathic as it is possible, although this isn't confirmed. In addition, the pools of liquid are both extremely acidic and toxic. Backrooms Wiki は、日本語の The Backrooms の作品を投稿したり、 The Backrooms の作品を日本語へ翻訳したり、 The Backrooms について. Level 9. The Ocean has sand across the floor, and rocks all over the place. Escape the Backroomsの攻略、小ネタなどに関するWikiです。 このWikiは、Escape the Backrooms (日本語版)に関するウェブサイトを、まずは、ページの上のほうにある 「新しいページをつくる」 または 「編集」 ボタンをクリックして、攻略法などの寄稿をお願いします。. Level 6 is largely regarded as one of the most dangerous early levels in the Backrooms. nn_backrooms is a giant maze-like area with yellow walls, damp carpets, and fluorescent lights. The Backrooms Wiki - The Backrooms. Windows let in the fresh air. Each room has its own ventilation. A False End, also known as The End or A False Ending to many, is a trap location or level that is meant to "lure" wanderers into a false sense of security, thinking that they have escaped The Backrooms. This Level is a large expansive urban household. Similar to the A. Friend after friend emerged from his wings and hands. As its popularity grew, internet users. Branche FR - Backrooms Wiki. Haze will emanate a constant, distorted sound of a person screaming pitched up; this is the primary way of knowing if Haze has begun chasing. However, windows are. Such emotions are important to the experience and immersion of the Backrooms levels themselves. The architecture of the tunnels consists of bricks in the upper half, and stone in the lower half. 中室是处于前室与后室中间的分界点。 探索,发现,记录未知,阈限现实,体验绝望与孤独 祝福您一路平安 中室位于后室与前室中间,是一个标准的非欧几里得空间。 不同于后室,中室不存在任何“楼层”,而是由类似前室一样的巨大空间组成。中室内部的空间多为后室里的楼层拼接而成,也. Level 88 consists of an extremely large dining restaurant which loops around an enormous aquarium filled with countless sea creatures from the Frontrooms. (date: 11/22/23. sometimes, an entity is so special as to warrant its own classification as an enigmatic — usually due to far-reaching implications for the Backrooms lore. Very High. Level 20 is the 21st level of the Backrooms. Entity Number: 30 Habitat(s): Level 1. Sheep42 made an edit on 4 December 2023; Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Its last and major update was Release Version V. The Backrooms are a Labyrinth of random, indeterminable rooms, halls, and nearly anything that you can imagine. Others are real-world objects altered fundamentally by the Backrooms' strangeness, and some are created by wanderers for use by themselves or by others. " 2. Behaviors: Volpes are hostile towards wanderers and will try to eat you if they see you nearby. They do this by mutilating and cutting up said wanderer, then storing them within the lockers. Therefore, this makes Crawlers an extremely active threat in the Backrooms. Although this game features a horror theme and brings you out of reality, it can help you relax efficiently. Smilers tend to reside in dark areas on Level 2 and Level 3. Together, they navigate the labyrinthine. Level 974 is an expansive sky consisting of an undetermined, conceivably infinite amount of floating islands scattered around the sky. Las Entidades son los principales habitantes y la vida en los Backrooms, aparte de los Wanderers. There are a lot of role-playing people, all of them are "=)" and "= (". They appear dark grey and humanoid, but they lack several prominent features, such as a face or ears. 1, and Level 8. [1] 두 사이트는 엄연히 서로 다른 사이트이며 이쪽은 scp 재단에서 넘어온 기여자들이 많아 성향도 다르다. Station 154 is the 155th level of The Backrooms. Haze will emanate a constant, distorted sound of a person screaming pitched up; this is the primary way of knowing if Haze has begun chasing. Some of them are dangerous, while others are crucial to your survival. (date: 11/22/23. It is said that it is painful just to behold The Eclipser, in a manner similar to staring at. Exploring more, the hallways just go on and on. There is a damaged area of the Arcade that is very different to the main area, because it is very abandoned. もし、貴方が誤って世界から外れ落ちてしまえば、湿気を帯びた異臭を放つカーペット、狂気じみたモノイエローの壁紙、そしてハム音のけたたましく鳴り響く、果てしなくどこまでも続く空虚な空間 "バックルーム" に迷い込んでしまう. Masiu, a man haunted by his traumatic past, attempts to lead a normal life. They can be identified by their signature reflective eyes and teeth gleaming in the dark. Level 202, also known as the Snowy Glaciers or simply the Glaciers, is a level consisting of a plethora of glaciers and icebergs floating in a vast sea of unknown size. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. A shack that dons the universal "Welcome To Hell" writing which signifies that you have entered Level 666. As I skirted the corner, the level behind me seemed to disintegrate into a white void. The Backrooms are a set of small levels that are connected to each other by secret passageways. Welcome to the Kane Pixels' Backrooms Wiki, a wiki for the online web-series created by Kane Parsons which is based on the online myth of the same name. Description: Level 1 is a large, sprawling warehouse that features concrete floors and walls, exposed rebar, and a low-hanging fog with no discernable source. You can see it, right? The crashing waterfalls. The minimum age to be a member of the site is 16. One can access the exterior, but the surrounding houses are confined and bordered, preventing anybody from getting further. In addition, the day most newcomers arrive from advances linearly in real time; that is, if on one Backrooms “day” most people enter from September 23, 1996, the next “day” most people will enter. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. ) is a modern subgroup of the Anti-Entity Agency, created with similar goals after the former's dissolution. 1 resembles an infinite 1 mall cafeteria, with a labyrinth of many snack bars and restaurants spread across the Level. An empty seat with a faint light shines in the distance. It's fine to disagree with members of the wiki as long you are civil about it (the exception to this is in cases where your "opinion" falls under discrimination or bigotry). If you move incorrectly into a block or get buried alive, you'll end up in the backrooms where the halls seem to stretch on for as long as the eye can see and a constant feeling that you're being watched often is proven to be true. The space one can traverse in the level is dictated purely by the shape created by said chains in each area at a given time, with most spaces being tight, claustrophobic, and occasionally too small for one to properly fit through. The all-encompassing corridor view generally exudes the trope of a "futuristic" aesthetic due to the association's travelers constitute between Level 15 and the overarching vision of an. The Backrooms Game is most suitable for someone who wants to find a thrilling feeling. He wields a serrated dagger that secretes an unidentified toxin, and a sickle similar to those used for harvesting crops. As you venture deeper, the surroundings gradually transition into a more darker and enclosed setting. The Grave is the destination of ensouled beings that die within The Backrooms or any of its itinerant subspaces. Level 27 is the 28 th Level of the Backrooms. The Blue Space is an anomalous location that is composed of five interrelated sub-sections accompanied by the setting of blue colours. Entity Number: 4 Habitat: Majority Description. Welcome to the Backrooms. The Wanderer doesn't exist. May 10th: Oak Ridge National Laboratory tests their prototype. A Chaotic Future. Windows let the natural light of the sun into rooms. However, the specter of his history constantly pulls him back, preventing him from moving forward. Natural sources of light in the level are scarce, as aside from its permanent lack of. It is said that it is painful just to behold The Eclipser, in a manner similar to staring at. If you discover that a tale is absent, please contact either the tale author or staff for assistance. Such emotions are important to the experience and immersion of the Backrooms levels themselves. Koko, Masiu's carefree brother who had been absent from his life for far too long. They are used in level entries to warn Wanderers about the possible dangers a level poses, and the threats one should expect and prepare for when exploring it. Barry Mental Asylum " or merely " Mental Asylum ," is an abandoned mental institution that expands indeterminate measurements and duplicates indefinitely. tar and immediately before the events of Backrooms - Report. The Backrooms are not real. Level 5 is presumably an infinite, ever-expanding hotel complex complete with all the sections a luxury hotel should have, such as lounges, ballrooms, guest rooms, restaurants, hallways, gyms, swimming pools, and maintenance halls. It is primarily accessed through a door that appears on Level 19, which has a chance of bringing you here. The film follows a team of Async researchers conducting another expedition into the Backrooms and having the first encounter with the creature. uh kindly do the following: Cope + Seethe + Mald + Perish + Suffer :). Bạn đã sẵn sàng để no-clip?. The Backrooms. "If you're not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented. 2 is a Sub-Level between Level 0 and Level 1 in The Backrooms created by the group Backrooms Remodeling Co. Room -1 is completely black, though all objects have a neon green outline. Despite having a gravitational pull extremely similar to that of Earth's, the M. The Kingdom decays into a series of liminal hellscapes, becoming the Backrooms as it is known today. Description: Level 4 resembles an empty office building, though it is almost completely devoid of furniture. 2, reportedly discovered on the date of 28/01/07, is an expansive underground cave system with a large array of tunnels, crawlspaces, etcetera, similarly to its parent level, Level 8; hence its memorable designation. While writing a level, it is highly recommended to follow this guide as close as you can, including similar formatting. Level 20 is the 21st level of the Backrooms. m/d/y) edit:the following people manage this wiki. The sky is mainly bright with the sun shining down on the level until nighttime. Level 85 is an endless, outdoor expanse of varying appearances unique to each of its entrants. While in this level, wanderers are unable to fall asleep. 假结局是后室中一个神秘如谜的楼层。 假结局是一个旨在“引诱”流浪者产生虚假的安全感并认为自己已经逃离后室的陷阱房,在流浪者社区中也被称为“终末”“虚假结局”。假结局的外观似乎模仿了前室中的一个废弃图书馆,其中被添加了在不同角度观察时会显现不同字样的标识,其上文字. Level 6 is an expansive complex of indeterminate size, consisting of metallic walls, concrete floors, and complex systems of pipes. Smilers thrive in dark and damp areas. The pipes cause the heat in Level 2 to reach immense temperatures, reportedly reaching 200 Fahrenheit (93 °C) and higher,. They are exceptionally heavy with a weight of 80kg (176 lb); if a dunk collapses on you it will be difficult to pull them off. The hallway has a very simplified and plain look to it due to the complete lack of colors and shapes. It is highly suggested to run away from any. Every second week new level will be added! Or CREATE your own levels with the in-game level editor! Face the unknown together, communicating strategically in this immersive and chilling adventure. The motel is located in a desert, which flourishes cacti and other plants adapted to the dry environment. Description: Level 18 appears different to every viewer, however, every viewer has noted it to be similar to a childhood memory. The fog often coalesces into condensation, forming puddles on the floor in inconsistent areas. Description: Discovery. They're extremely hostile toward humans and have been cause for concern. The eternally starlit sky. Newly Created Pages. If your theme's link is theme:kalag, then your fragment page should be fragment:kalag. If you're not careful and noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented. There is an abundance of natural resources, fertile ground,. Before getting started on making your level, it is recommended to read this page as a guide for tone and writing style. According to this truth, the First is the oldest confirmed human in known history, Backrooms or Frontrooms; the runner-up, Jeanne Calment (according to several recently noclipped people who claim to have studied longevity), fell short by sixty-three years. This is further supported by how the level is entered similarly to how the Crimson Fields were previously accessed. The Blackout is an Enigmatic Level in The Backrooms. This town seems to be in the 1930's, in a stop-motion type feel. The End is a trap Level made to trick unsuspecting wanderers into thinking they have escaped the backrooms. Time does not function in the same manner inside the Backrooms, and along with this, there are dangerous entities lurking in the shadows. Description: Discovery. The Backrooms Game FREE Edition. Alongside the community-wide rules, you'll discover templates, tips, tricks, and proper entry guidelines here. An empty seat with a faint light shines in the distance. Level 10 is an expansive pasture of wheat and barley fields stretching endlessly in all directions, divided into plots by lines of trees and shrubbery. As some general guidelines, each level should capture a certain feeling of the Backrooms, whether it be familiarity, nostalgia, fear, suspense, loneliness, or surrealism. The discussion includes links to the official wikidot and fandom wikis, as well as some alternative options. Wiki Backrooms Việt Nam Nếu không cẩn thận và no-clip khỏi thực tại sai chỗ, bạn sẽ thấy bản thân xuất hiện tại Backrooms, một nơi không có gì ngoài mùi hôi thối của những chiếc thảm ẩm mốc, sự điên loạn của một sắc vàng đơn sơ, cùng với tiếng ồn của những. The Cave of Level 117 with its vibrant colors. The Broken. Level 12 is the 13th level of the Backrooms. The level consists of many towers interconnected by corridors, hallways, bridges, platforms, staircases, and gates. One of the best-known examples of the Internet aesthetic of liminal. Station 154 is usually peaceful, and devoid of hostile entities. am i feminine quiz, dixie bell paint near me

Entrances and Exits Entrances. . The backrooms wiki

The level appears to be about 300 square miles in area, though like Level 0, you can walk in a straight line, return to your original location, and then realize you are going in circles. . The backrooms wiki germangogirls

Extreme (can survive a trap) And Shatter Bullet's. The void of Level 999, as seen from its sandy coast. , the group actively hunts and kills entities in the Backrooms. Entity Number: 33 Habitat: Level 94 Description: Entity 33, also known as The King of the Clouds, The Animated King, or simply as The King is an entity which resides in the uppermost level in the Castle of Transparent Mountain within Level 94. Bạn đã sẵn sàng để no-clip?. Any windows that have not been blacked out are considered traps and should be. It was first released on February 12, 2021, and is still ongoing with updates, aiming to better optimize the game for a better experience. They admit that their retrieval rate tanks to a depressing 2 - 5% upon searching Level 6. The Grassrooms presents itself at first as a winding hallway with a grassy floor and sparse flowers. A False End is a secret and enigmatic level of the Backrooms. I'm recording what I know and what I've gathered from others in this document for the sake of posterity and respect, more than actual research - but unfortunately, there's not a lot to write down. These levels have even stranger properties than most levels, warranting unique names and/or numbers. Level 3Three. Las Entidades son los principales habitantes y la vida en los Backrooms, aparte de los Wanderers. The Attic takes on the appearance of a vast attic of inconsistent appearance, that stretches out in arbitrary and constantly changing directions. Threshold 001 is the primary objective of Project Deus Ex Machina. Swimming into this light source will transport the wanderer into a room similar in design to a ballast of a submarine. Permanent link. This event added some Pumpkins in certain levels like Level 9 and Level 5, and changed the texture of Moth Jelly and Almond Water in order to better fit the event. July 2, 1955 — Pam-Am Flight 913 (or 914–the data is confusing) takes off from New York City and disappears. Jerry is a small bird with resemblance to the hyacinth macaw parrot. The rooms resemble shops, including arts and crafts shops, electronic stores, etc. The absolute absence of light in Level 6 makes it. Most areas of the level are entirely devoid of furniture and other accessories one would typically expect to find in an office, although darkened indents strewn about the carpeting appear to indicate that furniture may have. Entity Number: 33 Habitat: Level 94 Description: Entity 33, also known as The King of the Clouds, The Animated King, or simply as The King is an entity which resides in the uppermost level in the Castle of Transparent Mountain within Level 94. Level 10 is an expansive pasture of wheat and barley fields stretching endlessly in all directions, divided into plots by lines of trees and shrubbery. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. May 10th: Oak Ridge National Laboratory tests their prototype which sends a metal ball into the Backrooms. Entity Number: 7 Habitats: Level 1, Level 2, Jerry's Room Description. Similar to its previous form, all rooms in Level 0 appear uniform and share superficial features such as a yellowish wallpaper, damp carpet, and inconsistently placed fluorescent l. uh kindly do the following: Cope + Seethe + Mald + Perish + Suffer :). Using "save draft" will. Just like Slender Man, the concept has. We wish you luck in your travels. Wretches are almost always hostile, but their behavior otherwise varies wildly. 2 Entities 100-199;. Description: Level 20 appears to be reminiscent of some of the earlier floors in the Backrooms. 5ft (106cm). A False End is a secret and enigmatic level of the Backrooms. png|thumb|319x319px|Typical architecture of the Backrooms] to the shop in the middle of the back rooms the back room The Backrooms, also known as The Complex or Hallways by ASYNC Foundation staff, is a seemingly endless maze of rooms and corridors which was accessed during the sixth test of the Project KV31 Low. Class 3. Level 78 is described as a strange and warped grassy planet suspended in an endless expanse of blue skies. If you're not careful and no-clip out of reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly. If you're not careful and no-clip out of reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly. These noises are coming from machines that are located in large rooms closed off by reinforced doors made out of metal. Singular instances of some corridors have been known to stretch for several miles before reaching another corridor. Many travelers consider Level 36 to be a secondary hub of the Backrooms, similar to the Hub, since its exit leads to any outdoor levels, with the designated numbers of the levels. Backrooms最初被描繪成一个由 随机生成 、大小不一的房间组成的 辦公室迷宮 ,而人們只能透過「Noclipping [註 2] 」進入. The age range of this childhood memory ranges from 2 to 5 years old. Only one known entity resides in Level 974; the entity known as 'Kitty'. Others are real-world objects altered fundamentally by the Backrooms' strangeness, and some are created by wanderers for use by themselves or by others. もし未確認の階層の情報を発見した場合、当Wikiに掲載いただければ幸いである。 The Backrooms JP Wiki では、特別な事情や The Backrooms の世界観を構成するのに必要不可欠であると認められた場合を除き、翻訳記事は原則として認められません。. ) scattered throughout it. These mountains are colossal, ranging from 500 to 10,000 meters in height. There is no known way to mitigate any of the effects instigated by. The color of the wallpaper will shift in. Dunks are small entities with the appearance of miniature, boxy elephants, having an average height on average of 2. It's fine to disagree with members of the wiki as long you are civil about it (the exception to this is in cases where your "opinion" falls under discrimination or bigotry). Several of them represent what is known as "Liminal Spaces," evoking an eerie feeling inside. The moment you think one is nearby, run the opposite direction. 백룸 위키 하고는 다르다. Description: Level 18 appears different to every viewer, however, every viewer has noted it to be similar to a childhood memory. It is known that he loves to recite quotes that he learned from wanderers. The Grave is the lowermost Level of The Backrooms, without number or calculable depth, the cosmic nadir. 83 articles • 316 files • 2,966 edits • 5 active editors >> Play the game! << Although not created by himself originally, this wiki has been endorsed by Kord_K as of March 14, 2022. Currently, three entrances to Level 72 are known to exist. The Backrooms is a Location in Remnant 2. Although the tunnels vary in length, all have an eerily perfect cylindrical shape with near-identical dimensions. More often than not, a smiler appears to be a misty, black void with a glowing "face" of sorts that is reminiscent of a smiley face, a shape popularized in the frontrooms in the 1960's. The Red Knight is known to nearly everyone in the Backrooms. — Sci. With extreme temperatures and roaming humans with unknown intentions, it makes for a difficult survival. The walls, ceilings, and floors of the level. The Backrooms All Seeing. Entity Number: 7 Habitats: Level 1, Level 2, Jerry's Room Description. Applications containing roleplay will be denied. When asked what it was, someone else replied with a throwaway paragraph about “The Backrooms”. This page is for archiving the joke entries. This is for any funny stories you make relating to the backrooms. Furthermore, the level seemingly follows Euclidean geometry but completely ignores known science, making Level 24 unpredictable and dangerous. Level 80 is the 81 st level of the Backrooms. Exploring more, the hallways just go on and on. Only one known entity resides in Level 974; the entity known as 'Kitty'. Escape the Backrooms. Newly Created Pages. Welcome to the Backrooms. Level -353. Some say they can hear the skeletons speak. Johnny is the m ain entit y residing inside of Level -7. Currently, three entrances to Level 72 are known to exist. (Backrooms Nonaligned Trade Group) is a Group once created by The M. Level 699 is a safe haven that has achieved a mythical status, only known through rumors and old legends before the discovery of the azure pools on November 18th, 2015. The water is still, but the faint sound of the lukewarm water flows past. Level 2, once regarded as being one of the main levels of The Backrooms, is an infinite array of complex yet Euclidian maintenance tunnels that range in size, and once had a variety of. The Backrooms is a creepypasta inspired by a comment on a picture of an "unsettling room" on 4chan's /x/board. Being a warehouse-like location that is approximately 200-300 kilometres wide in total (although more may exist, but has yet to be reached). The Eclipser has been described as an 8'4 inhuman monster that tricks wanderers into believing they must listen to it to find an exit from Level 82. Level 190 has a daytime and nighttime cycle of both 12 hours, at the end of the 12 hours. Windows let in the fresh air. The Backrooms Wiki - The Backrooms. Level 22, also known as "Parking Hub", resembles a parking lot garage with multiple floors that stretch for approximately 500 square kilometres. This pasta was inspired by a post from the /x/ board on 4chan. The Crawler fungus can only spread to humans. Studies the level and tries to discover new things about it. The architectural design of the structures is not yet precisely determined, though the structures are blockier than as. Level 17 resembles the interior of an enormous cargo carrier spanning hundreds of thousands of square meters, composed of mostly stairwells, corridors, and rooms. Going through slides that seem they can't lead anywhere can lead one to Level 71 or Level 37. Going up 4 kilometers on the stairs, you will come across. Jul 12, 2021 · The second system, meanwhile, is known as the Three Level System. Some say that it's a "Purgatory for Backrooms wanderers", while others say it's "just a Level, and that. The level is characterized by its derelict, dilapidated buildings and overgrowth of plants. It also seems to lack any semblance of facial features, but is assumed to be. A False End, also known as The End or A False Ending to many, is a trap location or level that is meant to "lure" wanderers into a false sense of security, thinking that they have escaped The Backrooms. 站务组正在试建全新的kook群聊以方便不能访问国外网站的用户,若有兴趣者可点 此链接 加入。. . nonton bokep indonesia